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Precision piston rod

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Simple treatment of oil leakage in the piston rod

In fact, the basic reason for the leakage of the piston rod is that the seal ring has failed or the oil of the piston rod has been contaminated. Of course, there may be other reasons, but this is the main cause of common oil leakage. There are two reasons for the failure of the seal. The main reason is to choose an improper seal. For example, when operating, or anti-pollution operation, and the seal you choose can not bear these, then It is easy to get damaged. Then one is to protect the seal when it is installed. For example, when it is used for rust-proof painting, the seal is not protected, and the paint enters, which makes it easy to damage the piston rod. . Therefore, when we rust-proof the piston rod, we should separate the paint from the seal.
2019/09/25 09:10:02 2322 次

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